
3 Days To Google Top Spot

Gaining a top spot in Google or any other search engine is important in gaining targeted traffic to your site. One way to get the top position is through the number of backlinks you have pointing to your site. Every time you get a site to link back to you, Google finds your site that much more valuable, therefore getting large amounts of backlinks is key to gaining top position in Google.There are many ways to obtain a backlink that does not cost anything except your time. We will explore a few of these ways.1. Blog Commenting - Commenting on other people's blogs is a great way to get backlinks to your site. If you offer valuable information in your comment, your comment should get approved. Every comment approved is another backlink for you. When using this method, however, try to comment on high-ranking blogs of a PR of 3 or higher for it to be most effective, although a PR of 1 or 2 will suffice.2. Forum Signatures - Register with forums that are relevant to your site and then add your URL in the signature section. You do not want to blatantly advertise your link in the forum or you will end up being banned watch repair and therefore lose your backlink. Simply interact with members. Google and other search engines will consider these signatures as backlinks.3. Social Bookmark Sites - Another great way to obtain a good amount of high quality backlinks is by using social bookmark sites such as Digg, StumbleUpon and Reddit. Google loves these sites and will spot your links faster when using these places.4. Article Marketing - This can take some time Nail Polish to gather up enough quality backlinks to make it count, however, if you consistently write a couple articles a day, link the resource boxes back to your site and submit to various article directories such as Ezine Articles, Goarticles or Squidoo, Google will eventually find you and begin to raise you up the ranks.Although these are some effective ways to increase the amount of backlinks to your site, it can take quite some time before it begins to work. Most people do not have this kind of time and therefore use professional services to get them a high number of quality backlinks in a short period of time. There are services and courses out there that can get you or at least teach you how to get top position in Google in just a few days. When using these services or courses, you want to be sure they are reliable and credible. Look for things such as testimonials, videos or screenshots of proof, explanations of how things work (or step-by-step instructions) and obviously the most important, immediate access. Only then can you feel comfortable knowing that you are going to get what you pay for.

